Motor Vehicles Policy: Fleet Vehicle Reservations
Reserving a Fleet Vehicle
The College maintains fleet vehicles available for use by departments and students for approved College-related business.
Reservations should be made by the department authorizing the travel in the following way:
Go to scheduling website
- Click on “Make a Reservation” (yellow button top right of page)
- Log in with your Skidmore user name and password
- Click “Create a Reservation” on the left-hand side
- Find the “Vehicle Request Form” template and select “Book Now”
- Enter in the Date and Time you are requesting the vehicle. If you need the vehicle for multiple days, use the Recurrence button next to the date and select your date range
- When finished press “Search.” The vehicles will now appear that are available. Press the green + sign to select your vehicle, enter the number of people traveling in the car, then press next step
- Fill out all reservation details and check box that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions. Then press “Create Reservation.”
Your request has now been submitted, you will be further notified when the status of your request is confirmed.
If you have questions regarding vehicle reservations - please contact the Scheduling
Office at 518-580-5599 or
Please note vehicle requests are only reviewed Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:00pm.
Note: should the weather be inclement, or forecasted to be inclement, to the point that travel becomes dangerous, travel shall be suspended for fleet vehicles. Generally, use of fleet vehicles will be suspended when the Saratoga Springs City School District is delayed or closed. Campus Safety will determine whether to suspending travel on non-school days and will notify the reserving party. Campus Safety will lift the weather-related suspension when it determines that the roads are safe enough to drive.